Bermuda Cruise - Exploring Day Two


For our second day on the island, we decided to explore Hamilton; however, first we fulfilled our familial responbilities by making sure Mom and Dad made it to their excursion bus. When you're almost 90 years old, walking can deplete your energy fairly quickly! They took a bus tour of the island, and we hopped on the ferry to the capital city.

Our guide book had a suggested walking tour of Hamilton, so that's what we did. First stop was Albuoy's Point, then we headed up Queen Street to Queen Elizabeth Park, which was next to the Bermuda National Library. Turn right on Church Street to pass City Hall, then take a little detour to walk through Victoria Park before passing the landmark churches back on Church Street. Find more government buildings as you go down Court Street to return to the waterfront.

Albuoy's Point at the ferry terminal on Front Street

Queen Elizabeth Park

beautiful churches and government buildings

Victoria Park

The guidebook suggested taking a detour to Fort Hamilton if you had time and energy. We had both, so we did, and were grateful we made that decision. Exploring Fort Hamilton was our favorite part of the trip.

There weren't any ferries going to Somerset, so we hopped on a bus to take us to our next place of exploration - The Railway Trail - with another fort to explore.

We hopped off the trail at the Somerset Bridge - home of the smallest drawbridge in the world - only 18" wide! Then we caught the bus back to the cruise ship in time to watch preparations for the Bermuda Sail Grand Prix before dinner and bed.
