A Sacred Weekend
Dallin turns twelve this year! That means he was going to receive the priesthood and be ordained a deacon in January. Originally, we weren't planning on visiting for that occasion, but a couple of months ago we changed our mind and decided to attend that special day. Fortunately for us, he was willing to wait until the second Sunday in January, when we could combine the trip west with Savannah's baptism. We arrived late on Friday, and woke up to the news on Saturday that Wayne's mom had passed away during the night. Because we were there for Dallin, we were also there for Dad; what a miracle! But that's a story for another post.
David gave a beautifully tender ordination blessing before church that Sunday and Dallin did a great job fulfilling his responsibility to pass the sacrament for the very first time. He is so kind and sincere, and we know he'll continue to learn and grow as he serves others as Christ would. He's such a wonderful example for us!
Later in the week (on a very cold morning) we had the opportunity to attend the temple with Dallin for his first experience being baptized for ancestors. That was super special, especially since we went just before attending his great-grandmother's funeral and we could feel her presence in the temple with us. We're looking forward to many such memorable moments in the future. What a blessing to witness our grandchildren progressing along the covenant path!