Loxahatchee Slough - The First Visit

We'll be making several visits to Loxahatchee Slough in order to complete all the trails, but this first visit was a scoping one. We were hoping to pick up a brochure with a map, but unfortunately those are apparently no longer printed. (We came home and tried to print out some that we found online; not the most detailed and accurate, but they should work.)

It was a beautiful day to be out in nature. We headed down the "nature trail" path, figuring we'd do the small loop while we were there. After a quarter-mile, the paved portion ended at a small overlook.

The trail continued, but we weren't prepared to get our feet wet, which would have been necessary in order to complete the loop, so we returned back the way we had come.

Next time we'll bring hiking boots, and follow this beautiful trail.

There was still plenty of afternoon, so after having checked the "main" entrance, we drove over to another entrance - the Sandhill Crane Access Park, where the canal crosses PGA Boulevard. One side of the canal had a parking lot, restrooms, picnic tables, hiking access, a boat ramp and a fishing pier. The other side of the canal had a kayak trail.

Looking forward to our future visits!
