A Backwards Funeral
Friday, November 11, 2022 was a day that created a lot of memories. Funerals will do that. We started with Mom's viewing at the funeral home.
The viewing was followed by the burial, which may be a bit unusual, but that's the way Dad wanted it. My sister's in-laws had room in their family cemetery, which is a beautiful spot of ground, even on a muddy, rainy day.
Mom's siblings made the trip to pay their respects, and it was great to see them. All of our children came as well, and we appreciated their sacrifice to do so (and their spouses sacrifices as well).
From the cemetery we traveled to the church building for a beautiful dinner prepared by the wonderful Relief Society sisters of their ward. Dad shared some memories of Mom and we just enjoyed visiting with each other.
We took some pictures!
Since the casket wasn't in the room, we had a memorial service, not a funeral. (That's really the only difference between the two.) My sister spoke sharing some of her memories of Mom, and I did the same. Bishop Gwynn spoke reminding us of the beauty of God's plan of happiness and the reality of eternal families. The hymns were not your typical "funeral" hymns, but that just makes them more memorable - There is a Green Hill Far Away, Joseph Smith's First Prayer, and Come, Come Ye Saints.
Just to make things even more memorable, the night ended with lost keys and a locked car, fortunately not ours, and fortunately, someone had a spare set and was able to come to the rescue. All's well that ends well, right?
In Loving Memory
Judith Anne White Beckstrand
23 March 1942 - 4 November 2022