Remembering Last Year - Trip to Utah

Just before Thanksgiving, David called and asked if we would come to Utah if there was a really good reason. I thought meeting a new grandchild was a pretty good reason, and that hadn't happened yet! However, you can't ordain someone through Zoom, so after some pondering, prayer and research, we decided to make the trip. 

Flying was a pretty stressful experience, but we survived, and made it in time to help David celebrate his birthday!

We also made sure to meet that new grandson!!!

Time spent with family helped make the freezing temperatures bearable. I don't think it ever got above freezing the few days we were there! Good thing heaters were invented.

We got to tour Syndicate's office and new broadcast trailer, and see some beautiful sunsets as well.

Brad's family came down for the weekend as well. Lots of fun cousin time!

Michelle and Hayden graciously decided to have Theo's baby blessing while we were in town. You can read all about that here.

We wrapped up our trip with a visit to Thanksgiving Point. Although we would have preferred temperatures that were at least above freezing, spending time with precious family and sparkly lights really was a wonderful way to celebrate the Christmas season. 
