Christmas is Coming Again #1

The past couple of years our online Christmas Countdown has focused on Christ-like attributes, as exemplified by members of our family. Those posts are still available (you can find the ones for December 1st here and here), and you’re welcome to re-read them if you want; however, we’re going to switch gears this year because I realized we have another 25-year-old in the family, and I decided to copy the one I did a decade ago. In that one we watched Weston grow up; this year it’s Michelle’s turn.

I guess I should also apologize to the other brothers that they didn’t have a countdown especially for them; that’s one of the drawbacks of being a middle child. You’ll notice, though, that because you are middle children, you’re included in both of the other series!


See, there are three of our middle children!

1994 – Michelle’s 1st Christmas

Circumstances were quite a bit different compared to Weston’s first Christmas. For example, although we decided against hanging our stockings on the fireplace mantel, we did hang them on the stair banister; that’s a step up from laying them on the floor like we did in our apartment. We also had matching stockings for the very first time. Let’s see if they make it into each post for the next 25 days!

A lot of memorable things happened that year, so there was a lot to celebrate once December rolled around. In addition to having a new baby, we also had a new job and a new house, which meant we had to figure out how to hang Christmas lights outside; Brad was a great helper.

Although in Utah we had a “real” tree, once we moved to California we decided it would be more frugal to purchase an artificial one. We’ve actually been pretty impressed with the one we got. It came with a 10-year warranty, but it’s still going strong 25 years later.

Just the other day one of our grandchildren was playing with this little school house activity toy. I thought it was something we’d had when his dad (our oldest) was a baby, but this picture proves that Santa brought it for Michelle’s first Christmas. He brought a lot of other things as well. I may not have taken many pictures during the present unwrapping, but here are some from the aftermath.

You’ll notice that Wayne’s parents visited us this year. I may have felt super overwhelmed, and I definitely did not have time to write in my journal, but with the help of others we were able to keep all of our traditions. You’ll notice our Christmas Tree Spritz Cookies on the counter when Wayne’s cousins came over, and we made our traditional Cinnamon Rolls for Christmas morning.

While Michelle may not have any memories of her first Christmas, I do, and I’m grateful that they’re pleasant ones. Happy December!
