Trip to Montana - 2019
Just about a week before leaving for Evelyn’s baptism, Brad called to say he had been extended a new calling in the church (as a counselor in the bishopric) and wondered if/when Dad would be available to ordain him a high priest. After consulting with the appropriate people and considering various options, we decided the best scenario consisted of a quick road trip while we were already in Utah. A 6-7 hour drive is do-able; a 37-40 hour one is not, at least not until we retire!
So after that delightful post-baptism water fight, we packed up and headed north.
I think we were all a bit surprised when Grandpa invited the girls to travel in our car the first half of the trip; no one was surprised when they didn’t receive the same invitation for the second half. (Just keeping it real.)
Other than the stress caused by the gas gauge nearing empty in an unfamiliar car on a stretch of road with no gas stations for 40 miles, the trip was uneventful, and we refueled in time and arrived at their home just before midnight. Sunday, we enjoyed meeting their friends at church, and also visiting with Cody’s parents. We accomplished the purpose of the visit and are proud of Brad for being willing and worthy to serve.
Waiting for Daddy to come home from church; get used to it!
Sunday afternoons are the perfect time to share talents with grandparents; sorry there’s no picture of Adam’s first somersaults.
Early the next morning we left to return to Utah, grateful to be traveling in daylight so we could enjoy the scenic route, and not so grateful for tourist prices at our quick breakfast stop, although the artwork was nice. (You can read about our afternoon and evening activities here.)
You can plan ahead for baptisms and baby blessings; you can’t plan ahead for church callings. We’re grateful we were able to make this visit work, and are looking forward to our return trip in a couple of months to meet a new grandson. I wonder if the beautiful summer flowers will still be in bloom!