Adeline's Baby Blessing

Our newest granddaughter was born just before our planned trip to Utah for David's graduation, so after celebrating his awesome achievement, we stayed around for a baby blessing before heading home.

While they participated in the kids' soccer games Saturday morning, we met up with Wayne's MTC companion and his wife for breakfast. It was great catching up after over 30 years, and we highly recommend it, although I guess the ideal would be to not lose track of each other in the first place. Then we headed over to help David with this week's home improvement project, which was building a bench for the front porch. Working together we got it done fairly quickly, so there was time to play a lot of games and read a lot of books before dinner and bed. We love our cute grandkids! 

The next morning David gave his daughter a beautiful blessing. We're so glad we could be there for that special event.

That brand new  porch bench worked perfectly for corralling some cute kids.

Welcome to the family precious Adeline Amelia!
