Longwood Gardens

I took so many pictures, this activity deserves its own post. The day before I returned home from my time in Pennsylvania, we spent a delightful morning at Longwood Gardens. It was a bit drizzly, so we didn't spend a lot of time outside, but there was plenty to explore in their conservatory, and we had a great time together. We decided that if we had an army of gardeners, our yards could be just as beautiful and manicured as these gardens! This outing also reminded me of a similar one last year with a different set of grandchildren.

The first stop was the Whispering Bench. Apparently the shape allows for conversations to occur from people sitting on opposite ends. We tested it out, and it does work. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures during our experiment.

Just like on our trip to Versailles, there were several fountains here turned off until warmer weather, but it was still fun walking by them.

We made our way to the conservatory. I decided my favorite flower was the clivia. The picture below (upper left) doesn't do it justice.

The orchid room was fascinating as well.

The boys' favorite spot was the area geared to children, where they were allowed to play in the fountains.

Although we don't understand why it has to be hidden down the hallway to the restrooms, one of Megan's favorite spots is the "green wall". Those are living plants. It's pretty incredible in person.

Pushing his big brother!
Finally, we ate a quick picnic lunch before heading home. What a great way to spend a fun morning!
