Hikes in January

New Year's Day Hike: 
Since New Year's Day was on Sunday, we actually took this hike on Monday. It was the first of several trails at Cypress Creek Natural Area. This one didn't have much of a destination - it just went to the access gate for the neighboring subdivision - but we still had a great time. It was a nice way to start off 2017.

This time we did the yellow dotted trail in the bottom right of the above map.

Martin Luther King Day Hike:
This one was on Arthur R. Marshall National Wildlife Refuge lands, along a canal. I dropped Wayne off at one end and picked him up at the other. On the way around the refuge, I stopped at a couple of spots that will be trailheads for future hikes. It was a wonderful way to spend a beautiful winter day in Florida.
Stormwater Treatment Area 1

Twenty Mile Bend Area

End of the hike at Hillsboro Area.

A Saturday Hike:
On the last Saturday, we were able to return to Jonathan Dickinson State Park. This time I came along on the hike and we did the Kitching Creek Nature Trail. I greatly prefer hiking in January over August! Once again it was a gorgeous day and a gorgeous hike.

Nature Trails have numbered stops!

Made it to Kitching Creek!

After the hike we had a delicious barbecue.

And then took our usual little walk down to the river and boat dock.
