Halloween Countdown #6

Halloween Haiku: Family Favorite #5
This is a silly one Michelle created before FHE as practice. She was surprised it was one of the overall favorites!

Halloween Haiku #37
Bat, bat, bat, bat, bat
Jack-o-lantern pumpkin bat,
Bat, bat, bat, bat, bat.

Costume Idea: Kid Creations
Some of my favorite costumes over the years have been ones the kids designed and made.

5 Headed Monster
Could an adult even come up with this concept? It started as a costume for a Cub Scout skit, and made a reappearance on Halloween.

Wizards were popular even before Harry Potter! Weston cut the brim off of a witch's hat and added sticker stars to it, crafted a beard out of batting, attached paper stars to the black cape and made a wand out of foil.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
It had to be Leonardo, because he had a blue headband. The shell was made out of felt, attached to the back shell by shoulder straps, and held in place with a belt. The wrist bands, made many, many years ago, were my inspiration for our wrist cuffs this year.

70's Girl
Michelle tie-dyed her own shirt, I sewed a vest and crocheted a headband for her, and we turned her regular pants into bell bottoms.

Homestar Runner and Mario
Dad's collection of hats came in handy this year. 

Pinterest Idea: Cupcake Ideas
Here's a Halloween version of our favorite Jello Poke Cake. Doesn't it look festive?
Halloween cupcakes--yellow poke cake with orange jello and chocolate icing!:
Happy Halloween!
