Happy Rudolph Day!
Years ago I subscribed to a Yahoo Group that sent an email the 25th of every month, what they called Rudolph Day, encouraging us to do something to prepare for Christmas. That didn't really work for my family, but I still think about it occasionally. And when my daughter-in-law posted her Christmas post yesterday, I figured it wasn't too late to do ours today. (See how well she fits into our family!!)Christmas seemed a little bit different this time. Part of it was because we didn't have any grown kids come home, and we missed them and the fun and excitement they bring. A bigger part was because my focus was on house-hunting and not present-buying. (Never fear, there were some presents under the tree!) Fortunately, our offer on a new home was accepted on December 23rd. Merry Christmas to us!And just like it's been for the past few years, our highlight of Christmas Day was talking with our missionary. He's doing great, and he even got to open some presents too!Now we have eleven months to prepare for a Christmas with everyone, including this charmer. If he was this excited at 6 months, just imagine what he'll be like at 18 months!(And there'll be someone else to take the 6-month-old spot, so we'll get that experience in person, too!!)