"I Will Always Obey"
Memorable Monday Moments
Learning a New Song
Followed directions faithfully.
Seeing a vision he could not deny,
He did not murmur or question why.
He only listened and followed in faith.
Joseph always obeyed.
Nephi obeyed his father,
Followed instructions carefully.
Always so ready and willing to try,
He did not murmur or question why.
He only listened and followed in faith.
Nephi always obeyed.
When Heavenly Father speaks to me,
Through parents or prophets, or in quiet ways,
I want to listen and follow in faith,
I will always obey.
Copyright © 1996 by Janice Kapp Perry. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
Learning a New Song
This week I was reminded of a song from The Friend we learned years ago for family night. (It also was the perfect song to use in an inservice lesson on "how to teach a song" because it has a catchy tune and is repetitive.) I don't know if the boys will remember it, but I do, and I still love it. Even without singing it, going over the words and reviewing the stories and principles would make a great family home evening lesson.
However, if you have a piano handy and read music, you can go here and click on the picture to can get the sheet music yourself. You could also go here (and scroll down a bit until you see the title) and click to hear the first couple of phrases of the song. And you could even go here to purchase the mp3 file. Aren't I just being so helpful!!
Here are the words to "I Will Always Obey":
Jesus obeyed His Father,
Kept His commandments perfectly.
Even when He had to suffer and die,
He did not murmur or question why.
He knew the plan, and He followed in faith.
Jesus always obeyed.
Joseph obeyed the Father,Kept His commandments perfectly.
Even when He had to suffer and die,
He did not murmur or question why.
He knew the plan, and He followed in faith.
Jesus always obeyed.
Followed directions faithfully.
Seeing a vision he could not deny,
He did not murmur or question why.
He only listened and followed in faith.
Joseph always obeyed.
Nephi obeyed his father,
Followed instructions carefully.
Always so ready and willing to try,
He did not murmur or question why.
He only listened and followed in faith.
Nephi always obeyed.
When Heavenly Father speaks to me,
Through parents or prophets, or in quiet ways,
I want to listen and follow in faith,
I will always obey.
Copyright © 1996 by Janice Kapp Perry. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.