WFMW - Putting First Things First

It's time for another "Works for Me Wednesday" over at We are THAT Family. I'm looking forward to checking out everyone's ideas, but I'm going to be careful not to get sucked in too deeply, because what works for me this week is remembering my priorities. The phrase "putting first things first" comes from Stephen Covey's Seven Habits book (here's one website with a summary). I guess I was reminded of this from last week's post mentioning that over 20 years ago we wrote our own mission statements (as a result of Wayne taking some seminar at work).

Then I spent hours this week focusing on daily scripture study (in preparation for teaching a class at church), which is one of my "first things" to put first. I love this quote by Ezra Taft Benson: "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives."

And I love this one by Richard G. Scott: "In quiet moments when you think about it, you recognize what is critically important in life and what isn’t. Be wise and don’t let good things crowd out those that are essential."
Remembering the "Parable of the Walnut" helps me to set my priorities each day. So does remembering the "Baking Analogy." Maybe they can help you too.


Young Wife said…
What a great reminder! Thanks for sharing.