Yosemite National Park

Friday Flashback
National Park Series #11
Even though we went in August (1995), and the drive there and back was scorching, there was still plenty of snow to play in once we got to Yosemite. After living in California for a year, the boys enjoyed the chance to throw a few snowballs once again. And to climb on the snow drifts. There was also the traditional "stop at every roadside overlook" drive.
And plenty of opportunity to take some hikes.
This was called "Misty Trail" for a reason. Notice we're all wet.
The memorable story of this trip happened on the first day, when we were unloading the car and setting up camp. Our campsite was on the far edge of the campground. Even though for us it was a trek to the restrooms, the other campers probably appreciated our assignment; the one-year-old and two-year-old had a hard time sleeping in a tent. Anyway, there was a pretty fair distance between the parking space and the tent spot, with the table in between. We set up Michelle in her little seat next to the table and the rest of us were busy transporting supplies between the car and the tent. Imagine our surprise when we noticed a bear foraging in our little lunch cooler right next to the baby! Fortunately, it was easily scared off, but not before eating our peaches. And I felt SO guilty for feeding the bears, when there were signs plastered all over the place warning against that, and to keep all the food in the bear boxes or trunks. I didn't think it applied when there were people right next to it! Moral of the story: Don't turn your back on babies and coolers when in bear country.
