Can it really be November already?

Works for Me Wednesday
Holiday Tips

This week everyone is sharing their best holiday tips over at "Works for Me Wednesday." Rather than reinventing the wheel, I thought I'd just share some links. These are ideas that we've tried before so I know that they really work. And sharing ideas works for me!
Christmas Countdown: Wrapped Books. Our kids were older before I learned of this tradition, of wrapping 24 books and opening one each night and reading it together, but we tried it anyway and they loved it. In order to come up with 24 items without buying anything, I added some Christmas movies to the collection. That was fun.
Food in the Freezer: Freezer Inventory. One of the most helpful tips for keeping sane in December is to have several dinners already in the freezer. Fishmama shares how she keeps track of the meals she's prepared. Our system is basically the same (I use checks instead of numbers), and it really works great.
More Food in the Freezer: Baking Early. Amy suggests starting right now to put cookies and quick breads in the freezer, so that when you need a quick gift you don't have to get stressed. I know this REALLY helps my sanity, especially when someone decides he wants to go home teaching right now and wants to take a treat! During December, I try to keep Rocky Road and Poppy Seed Bread in the freezer just for this reason.
Displaying Christmas Cards: Ribbon Hangers. We haven't done this one in a while (we've used a basket on the kitchen wall the past few years), but this way you can see all the cards at once. I may just try it again.
Christmas Binder: Making a List. Mine is tailored for us, but Lisa shares what works for her, and the idea of keeping copies of past lists really helps make current celebrations easier. I can go to mine to find favorite recipes, remember what I gave my parents last year and who we received cards from (so I don't forget them this year), etc. Give it a try!
Perfection vs. Reality: Lowering Expectations. Erin shares the story of decorating their tree and her daughters putting all the ornaments in one spot, leaving it with an un-balanced feeling. Wisely, she left it that way, and now has a great memory. The best holidays are NOT perfect, but they're filled with gratitude, happiness, and love. That works for me!! What works for you?


Courtney said…
these are fantastic ideas! I cant wait to "try" to do some. I do have a christmas planner!
Harlene said…
Each of these are great!

One idea that works for me is giving teachers the same thing every year! Recess survival kits;
hand warmers, chapstick, tylenol, maybe a candy bar. Something useful and fun! No thought required!