Counting Down to Halloween #3

CANDY! CANDY! and more CANDY!!!
Nothing says Halloween more than candy. I wonder how much business it generates for dentists! As we were discussing our traditions the other day, I was told that a favorite memory was being given the Costco size box of candy in exchange for giving up trick-or-treating. I don't remember that, although I guess it's possible. (I do remember buying a small bag of fun-size candy bars for each teenager.) Now I'm trying to convince the three kids that if we go the large-size route this year, they can share one box, they don't each need their own!


Delirious said…
I never let my kids trick or treat on Sunday if Halloween fell on that day. I don't remember if I bought them candy or not, but I also didn't give out candy. Is there such a thing as a Halloween Scrooge? ;)