Another New Beginning

Memorable Monday Moments
The first day of school

5:39 AM before leaving for seminary

As mentioned last year, one of our family traditions is to have father's blessings** before school starts. This year our family night was short and sweet because there were only two to give, but it was still a wonderful experience. And it was so nice of the school district to cooperate and start on a Tuesday this year so that the timing was perfect.

Steven and Michelle need to ride the bus home today so that it will be "legal" whenever it's necessary later in the school year, which meant I was able to get pictures at school when I dropped them off. At 7 AM the sun hasn't risen yet! The "sophomore/junior" parking lot is a bit of a hike from the building, but that's okay. The privilege of being able to drive yourself is worth a little walk. We're looking forward to another wonderful year.
** From the Family Guidebook: "Father’s blessings are given to provide direction and comfort as guided by the Spirit. . . . These blessings can be a great strength to a family. A family may record a father’s blessing for family records, but it is not preserved in Church records. Parents should encourage children to seek father’s blessings in times of need."


Tara said…
So glad you get to my blog now! ;o)

I CANNOT believe I forgot to take pictures of my kids this morning!!!!
Meg said…
I love how they match! :) I also love the tradition of father's blessings. Thanks for sharing that!