June UFO's

Time to record what I did this month to be a "finisher!"

I kind of cheated this time around, but I'm the mom and can do that. I just took advantage of having more helpers at home to cross things off of the to-do list! I spent most of the month doing things only I could do - getting Jeff ready to leave for South America and preparing for our family vacation. Oh, and let's not forget adjusting to a new calling in the church. But since I don't want teenagers sitting around all day in front of an electronic screen, they got some chores assigned to them. And they were good sports about it too.

Wash the kitchen windows. Technically this has been on Steven's to-do list for a year - he agreed to wash all the windows as part of his Family Life merit badge requirement. There are still a few more to do. However, as part of this job we also washed the curtains and rehung them. And then I was motivated to clean under all the counter appliances. It really needed it. I used to do that every month, what happened to that schedule???

Patch a leaky gutter joint. This was never really on my list, but apparently it was on Wayne's. Once it got added to mine - and Steven's - it got done in a day. What's up with that??

Pull some weeds. Michelle helped turn this:
into this:Now let's see if we can keep it that way for a while! She also started working on cleaning the baseboards. You would think I would have learned by now that waiting for a block of time to do "the whole job" just doesn't work. Most chores like that have to be done a little at a time. So, hopefully, the baseboards will all be clean once again by the end of the summer.

May 12, 1946 - 4 generations of Scrantons

Finally, we made it to the temple for a sealing session. (The names were all ready for last October when the car didn't cooperate on the trip to Orlando.) The highlight was doing the work for my grandmother's uncle Luzon (or John, but also known as Jack) Scranton - shown here on the far right. We sealed him to his wife Olive and also to his parents (father Norman is in the center of the picture). In addition, we were able have his son Robert (on the left and the father of the two boys) sealed to him. Of course, everything else we did was wonderful too, but I don't have any pictures of those other far-distant ancestors.
