Blood, Sweat and Tears

Take a little blood
(not too much, just a scratched finger),
a little sweat
(again, not too much - it was a gorgeous Florida fall day),
and a few tears
(warning to sons: be very careful combining jet lag, PMS, and crooked boards - enough said),
and this is what you get:
And a few more pictures showing the process.
Where are your kids when you need them? Thanks to the elders who stayed after breakfast to help carry and erect the walls!
Once the walls were up it was time for the rafters, then the roof panels. It started raining before all of them were up, but that just means there's something to do next Saturday!


Melissa said…
Is this your new guest house Becky? I am jealous!
An said…
Becky, I found you through Dave's blog. Is this a playhouse in your backyard or for you to do seminary in? Our blog is