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Congaree National Park, part one
Spring break is over! But we had a great time in South Carolina at Congaree National Park. We set a new family milestone -- everyone who went hiked every trail! (The older boys may not think much of that achievement, because this was a small park with only 40 miles of trails, but it's still a cool accomplishment.)
The first day was drizzly and chilly, and rain before we arrived flooded out some of the trails. Here's where we turned back on Tuesday - notice the red blaze on the tree which means that's where the trail goes.
However, when we arrived from the opposite direction on Wednesday, the water was gone, leaving a path of mud and muck, which we were able to cross. Yes, the boots got muddy, but the feet stayed dry!
And by Friday, the trails were great and the weather was delightful.