Rest and Relaxation, part one

Now that things are caught up at home, it's time to post some pictures from our very relaxing week of leisure. Cruises are definitely a true vacation - no cooking, no cleaning, no homework, no worries.

I was going to say no alarms, but I'm married to someone who set the goal to see every sunrise, and while none of them were super spectacular, it was definitely the most peaceful time of day and we enjoyed getting up before everyone else on the ship. (Notice the lack of people on deck!)

We also did our best at catching every sunset!

I discovered that as you add pictures, they go to the top. I'll have to work backwards if I want things in chronological order, so it's time for a new post.


Beckstrand7 said…
Sigh..,I want to go on another cruise - you are right, they are truly a mother's relaxing vacation! I loved not cooking, not being responsible for cleaning up, and frankly, for not having to be in charge of anything, kids included. Some day I think it would be fun to take the kids. (But only when they're big enough to be more responsible for themselves!)