R.I.P. Green Hat

One of the more memorable moments of this summer was the final demise of the infamous Green Hat. I felt it would be a good idea to immortalize the email chain that ensued after that event. I love the way it showcases the personalities of each member of our family.

Family, As you know Dad's ugly green hat came to an end today after 18 years of faithful service. Dad lost it while riding the Flying School roller coaster at Legoland today. During the ride Dad was holding his hat in his hands and his glasses started slipping off. In order to save his glasses he had to let go of his hat. After the ride the Legoland workers told him no way when he asked permission to recover it. We all said goodbye as it lay lifeless in the grassy fenced-in 'restricted zone.' 
We made him smile for this picture, but he was definitely mourning the loss of his green hat.
Upon our return home dad pulled out his hat collection (which has over a dozen options) and selected the next hat on the basis that it will "wear out the fastest." RIP Green Hat Go Cougars! How long will this one last? Will it be THE LAST?  My prediction is that this next hat will perish during a foreign excursion after retirement.  Love, Dave

Wear out the fastest?!? I hope this one lasts longer than its predesessor!  Go Cougs! (And Go "Flying School"!)  -WW 
Did he select the green hat on the basis that it would wear out the fastest? If so, the new hat should last at least 19 years!  -Brad
To avoid any confusion, the green hat was chosen because it had a flimsy plastic tightening mechanism in the hat band that I thought would break quickly.  Maybe my head got so hot that it melted into place??  Don’t know why it lasted so long.  I had it set to the tightest and it was still a little loose.  A miracle to why it lasted as long as it had.  I have stood on the tops of many windy cliffs and it never blew off.  It took a kiddy rollercoaster ride to do it in.

The BYU hat was chosen because it has a plastic snap mechanism for sizing the hat.  In the past, I have had the snaps break off thereby making it impossible to tighten the hat.
Now you know the rest of the story.
Love, Dad
You wore a hat that didn't even fit for 18 years!?! -- Brad
It was close enough.  -- Dad
you know, some families correspond like this via text...  Jeff
Jeff, at least 5 of the people in our family do not have group text.  (Michelle)
I am very sad that I was not able to witness the death of Dad's hat.  I already miss it.  Hiking will never be the same.   (Elder Whitaker)
The following is a short pictorial history of Dad's Green Hat:
The green hat seems to have made it's debut at our 2002 camping trip to the Everglades. (So, I guess it's really only given 12 years of faithful service, not 18.)
It visited a lot of different national parks.
It climbed mountains.
It read maps.
It enjoyed being with family.
It helped welcome grandchildren into the world, and it played with them as they grew.
It helped drive, row and even rested sometimes.
It helped cook, build fires, play cards, and read books.
It hiked the first five segments of the Florida Trail.
It was a world traveler, visiting Iguazu Falls in Argentina.
Sometimes it got caught in sticky situations.
But most of the time it fearlessly led our family.
It had many, many adventures.
Adventures involving more than one generation!
As mentioned above, it's very last adventure was to Legoland.
The grandkids loved Grandpa's green hat. (This is the very last picture we have of its existence.)
The green hat was a family icon. It was a source for good-natured teasing. For example, Dad threatened to wear it for Jeff's wedding pictures; after all, it fit the color scheme. Last winter when someone wanted a hat to wear while painting we contemplated using the green hat, but decided against it. Afterwards Wayne informed us we missed a great opportunity to have it retired as the hiking hat. Oops! Later someone thought about just throwing it away and seeing how long it would take to be missed. We're glad he decided against that. Just like the demise of the previous hat (which will be shared at a later date), this hat needed a fitting story for its last adventure. The green hat will always have a place in our family's hearts.
Fortunately, it was just a thing and is easily replaced. We're looking forward to making many more memories with the BYU hat along for the ride.
The replacement hat on its first excursion.
