Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mother's 75th birthday. In honor of that, I'm spending the day doing things she taught me. If I lived closer, I'd do these things with her; I wish that were possible.

Enjoying Nature - It's a gorgeous day!

Pulling Weeds
Just like Wyatt learned how to identify a dandelion from his mother, my mother taught me the finer points of
and feeling grateful the carpel tunnel surgery worked (a condition inherited from her)

Laundry and Ironing and Dishes

Making Relief Society Phone Calls - This dislike of making phone calls is another thing I inherited from my mother, yet she also taught me that it's easier to just do it than to sit around worrying and feeling guilty.

Making a Dentist Appointment - See above. I remember trips to the dentist (with a wood-paneled office and hanging beads in the doorways) and being rewarded for good behavior by stopping at the ice cream parlour afterwards.

Baking Honey Oat Bread (her recipe)

Making Progress on Genealogy - I have fond memories of sitting together filling out pedigree charts and family group sheets.

Fixing Dinner - It's a good day to turn the last of our St. Patrick's Day corned beef into a yummy soup to serve with the fresh-baked bread. I'm grateful Mom taught me how to cook and that she gave me lots of practice in doing so.
Leftover Corned Beef and Cabbage Soup:

That's probably all I'll get to today, but every day I do things I learned how to do from my mother. 
They include crocheting and sewing, cleaning and organizing, reading and writing and studying. I'm so grateful for her! 

So grateful we got to see her last weekend, and that we were able to get a 4-generation picture!
Happy Birthday, Mom!


Meg said…
This is such a beautiful tribute. We sure do love Grandma Beckstrand! I'm grateful for all the things she taught you which you in turn taught Weston. Love yoU!