How We Met - part one

Flashback Friday

At a group dinner last week, we were asked to introduce ourselves, including where and how we met. There was only time then to give a very abbreviated version, but over the next few weeks, I'll post the long version here. That way our kids will know the true story!

Part One is taken from Grandpa Wetzel Whitaker's biography:

"The summer of 1926 was a rather eventful period. I was able to get a well-paying job with the city of Denver as a helper on a sprinkling truck which was used to settle the dust on the gravel streets. My brother Ferrin had just become engaged to a lovely young woman by the name of Martha Bassett. Her cousin, Louise Eccles, came to live at the Bassett home for the summer while she was studying ballet and taking lessons from a famous Russian instructor.

"It was natural, therefore, that Martha, in order to keep her sixteen year old cousin entertained, introduced Louise to me. We enjoyed each other’s company immensely. Both of us were fun-loving and light-hearted young people. We had many dates, in fact, almost every night. We attended movies, strolled in the park in the moonlight, and often went dancing at the famous Eliches Gardens. I probably bored her when I talked football, which I did often. I was torn between not wanting the summer and our association to end, and at the same time, anxious for the football season to begin in the fall. But alas, summer inexorably came to an end and Louise went back to her home in Ogden, Utah." (Looking Back, pg 20-21)


Beckstrand7 said…
Looking forward to part two! BTW, I loved the pics & story of your post: "on top of spaghetti". Keep 'em coming! Have a great day.