Have I Done Any Good?

Memorable Monday Moments
A Lesson on Service

This evening our lesson was to fulfill a Personal Progress "Good Works" assignment, and the source material came from President Eyring's conference talk, "Opportunities to Do Good." We had a great discussion on the topic of service.

Principles to guide us in service:

  • People are happier when they are able to provide for themselves and also reach out to others.

  • There is a power in unity that brings blessings.

  • Work together as a family to serve.

  • It's a commandment to seek out the poor and needy.
Although we are often stirred with feelings of sympathy that cause us to act, we decided another emotion that can be a catalyst for acts of service is gratitude. And since it's the end of the school year, we ended by writing thank you notes to teachers. Oh, and we didn't forget the perfect closing hymn: "Have I Done Any Good?"

I'm so grateful for Duty to God and Personal Progress; they make planning and preparing for family night a lot easier!
